2024-es FEI Négyesfogathajtó Világbajnokság
Szilvásváradi Lipicai Lovasközpont
2024. szeptember 5-8.
Planetárium - Mesék az űrhajókról: Vilmos egér a világűrben
Pécs, Zsolnay Kulturális Negyed - Planetárium
The mastery of late gothic winged altarpieces flourished in Hungary from the sixties and seventies of the 15th century up to the early 16th century, in line with European developments.
Join us to see wonderful altarpieces and tune in for Easter!
Additional ticket fee (valid together with the ticket for the permanent exhibitions): HUF 1000
Duration: 60 minutes
Due to the pandemic situation, we are not able to receive more than 20 visitors on our guided tours.